Paul Smith tags out with bow

It has been one challenging turkey season this year. I had to sit out last year due to some shoulder issues, I could not draw my bow back. I bow hunt as much as I can and after getting 2 turkeys in 2021 with my bow I was hooked. Opening day April 8th at 6:45am it was on. 3 gobblers rushed the field and headed straight to my decoy setup. I didn’t have my release on yet, I was fiddling around with a tripod camera. Before I knew it he was at 10yds, I drew back and released and he kept walking. I heard and saw the arrow strike. He was walking when I released, and I realized immediately I didn’t lead him enough. Out of bow range and still walking upright, I knew he wasn’t wounded so I nocked a 2nd arrow and made contact with the 3rd gobbler hauling it at 25yds. Excited for this bow harvest I was still bummed about the one I just blew it on at 10yds. I retrieved my arrow and found 2 tail feathers. No harm to the bird, just my feelings. I gave him a good haircut. Now I had to finish what I started. Over the next 21 days it was stalk and choke on my part. Too many hens between us. He didn’t like my calls and I was always at the wrong spot. Many sightings but always out of bow range. Seeing him fan out and missing two tail feathers drove me nuts! I was practicing almost daily with my bow at ranges I wouldn’t take a shot on an animal. Saturday April 22nd, I changed up my strategy. 5:55am, I heard him gobble on the roost. 6:15am he was on the ground but over 200yds away. I re chalked my box call at 5:30am and it sounded like a new bird! He answered me and I didn’t respond. He quickly closed in, gobbling along the way. Of course, a hen came out, but I was in the middle this time. As I saw him step out at 6:35am, he turned to pursue his girl. I was able to draw and at 26yds connected and he never took another step. I was ecstatic when I saw the 2 tail feathers missing. Redemption. I’m shooting a 50lb draw weight Mathews Archery, Inc. Image. I’ve taken 2 Toms this year at 25yds and 26yds with G5 Outdoors Megameat Broadheads. I’ve used them for whitetails as well.

Thank you, Lord, for answering my prayers as I heard him closing in.


Paul Smith

Frontline Defense Inc

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