11-year-old tags first longbeard in Union County


Logan Wynn, 11-years-old from Union County SC, tagged his first longbeard on April 1, 2023 at 8:10 a.m. The turkey weighed in at 18 pounds and had 1-inch spurs and an 11.5-inch beard. He harvested this bird with his new Stevens 301 .410 turkey gun. Logan got started turkey hunting about 3 years ago with a coworker of mine. The seasons were long and unproductive for him but that hasn’t stopped him.

He missed a turkey last season and still didn’t let it stop him and the passion he has to hunt these birds. The morning of April 1, we got set up before daylight and being his daddy, I was nervous, because for the first time, I was going to have to try and call in a longbeard for my son. It’s something I have never done. I’ve never been a turkey hunter.

Things played out well with the high winds and storms coming in though, and I was able to successfully call four very mature toms in to around 25 yards. Logan got to watch them come in from almost 200 yards away and saw them interacting and putting on a show for the decoys. He was nervous and so was I, but he waited for the perfect shot and dropped the hammer on a magnificent Union County longbeard.





Congratulations to Wynn, who is now entered in our 2023 Tag-A-Turkey Contest.

This makes him eligible for our grand prize, which includes a 3-year subscription to Carolina Sportsman Magazine, a Thermacell prize package, a Convergent Hunting Solutions Bullet HP Bluetooth predator call, and numerous other prizes.

If you’d like to enter your gobbler in our contest, click here.

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