Bag a Buck

Pitt County 8 Pt

  Been chasing this deer morning and evening since opening day before he finally came out during shooting hours. Hunter’s name: Corey Coltrain Greenville North Carolina Pitt County, NC 12-1-24 8-point buck      

Bag a Buck

Biggest Buck so far

  Seen 7 does and a four point earlier in the afternoon around 5 o'clock this eight pointer stepped out,knew he was a shooter. Made a great shot the tracking job was easy! Hunter’s name: […]

Bag a Buck

Wide rack 6 ends up a 9 point

  What I had thought was a wide 6 point end up being a 9 point this deer has been playing me all season it’s like he was keeping track of me but it finally […]

Bag a Buck

12 pointer

  Went and bought my license mid-morning. Got in the woods at about 3ish. I had never killed a buck a large Buck for that matter ever! I was sitting on the ground with a […]

Bag a Buck

Whitetail Deer

The morning that I hunted this deer I was actually hunting for another deer because I never expected this deer to come back. […]

Bag a Buck

Christmas Came Early!

It’s been 4 long years waiting for the opportunity to seal the deal on a nice buck. Hunting in NC and traveling out of state to Ohio searching, scouting, and hunting hard. […]

Bag a Buck

1st deer

This is the first deer he has ever killed. He was hunting with his papa in the swamp behind the house […]